Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Crowds and People

Within my recent project I'm looking at the movement of large groups of people and crowds in urban areas. Through taking photos of crowds in the streets of London I came to the conclusion that we as human beings are selfish, whether we mean to be or not. Each person in the photos I took have different ideas, different opinions, different outlooks on the world to even the people walking directly infront of them. The brief crossing paths of strangers in the street will be quickly forgotten as we go about our daily lives. There's nothing wrong with this, but it made me realise how small my own 'world' is, and how I think that even if you experience lots of different things and travel far and wide, your world would still be small, - limited to only your perspective of what you have experienced.

Along with the photos of crowds I have taken, below is a progress photo of an oil painting I'm doing, layering up simple outlines of people photos I have collected.

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